Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Me Monday

So I decided to join in on the Not Me Monday fun, for more funny posts go to

So no matter what anyone says none of this happened this week, no not me and no not my two little angels!

No I did not go to The Wild Animal park with my family and put off cleaning the house AGAIN,

and no I did not forget to turn off the blue setting on my camera until at least half way through the day, no not me, not this mommy with the memory of an elephant.

No I did NOT go into the bird exhibit and no I was not terrified and on edge the whole time, no not me, I love birds flying around my head!

No I was not totally disgusted by these narly looking fish and no I did not take like 10 pictures of them.

No I did not buy a monkey leash for Annabelle and no she did not LOVE it, and no some lady did not make a rude comment about it and no I did not go on defense mode and No I did not feel way better after seeing another child with the exact same monkey on his back, no not this momma of 2 small kids.

No Annabelle did not put 15 dvds in our 5 disc dvd player while I was in the shower and no she did not turn on the radio very loud while she was being naughty, no Annabelle did not dump a bowl of water down my back while I was giving Krisalynn a bath, no not Annabelle.

And no Krisalynn did not discover her voice this week and no she has not been talking and singing very loudly, no not my little baby. And no I did not forget to change Krisalynn's diaper before bed the other night and no she did not leak and soak all the way through her jammies an blanket, not me.

No Annabelle did not find a red pen and color all over her hands,

and no she did not run around the house like this saying "I'm super lady Annabelle"

and no Annabelle did not put this on her head and say "I go ride my mocycle now" no not my imaginative 2 year old.

No all of this did not happen over the last seven days, no not in our uneventful house.


  1. Hahahaha--ok seriously WATCH OUT! She sounds like my Sammy when she was her age! Make sure you don't leave her in her room asleep while you take the monitor outside to help your hubby with yardwork. Because she may just wake up, notice she has poo in her diaper, and then proceed to take it out and "fingerpaint" ALL over her room walls and door! All the while not making a peep! You know, that NEVER happened to us, but I just thought you may want that insight ;).

  2. Pretty least you are building memories.....The girls are getting sooooo big- too bad we can't see them more often- want to come visit with mom and dad? It's really nice here that time of the year!.......Ivetka=)

  3. Haha...nice. We have a NOT ME home too... :)
    - patrick
