Reading the updates about baby Stellan from really puts a reality check on life. We don't know our time on this earth or our children's for that matter, so are we, am I living my life as if I could be with the Lord at any moment? Am I cherishing every moment I am given with my children, my husband? Am I experiencing Christ the way He desires me too, am I living my life for Him and His glory? I have realized how much I have taken my life on this earth for granted, I have gotten so caught up in the busyness of life to fully take in what God has blessed me with daily. Like just how miraculous my girls are, and how God took a little part of me and of John and created these two beautiful girls. When I really stop and think about it I am awe struck. And just how amazing a sunrise and sunset is. I was watering my lemon tree today that is covered in blossoms and tiny green lemons that will, in a very short time, grow into big, yellow lemons. What an awesome creator we serve. So I have decided to not let myself get wrapped up in the stresses of every day life and enjoy each moment the Lord has given me and render control fully over to Him and enjoy being His passenger. I want nothing more than what the Lord wants for me. I serve an awesome God who is perfect in all He does, who knows what is best for me and all of us, even though we may not understand. Please, if you feel lead, keep baby Stellan in your prayers and check out their blog, reading this has been an inspiration and my heart goes out to their family.
Here are a few pictures of the girls. I am truly blessed by them and cherish these wonderful memories we are creating.