Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Beauty in Life

Reading the updates about baby Stellan from really puts a reality check on life. We don't know our time on this earth or our children's for that matter, so are we, am I living my life as if I could be with the Lord at any moment? Am I cherishing every moment I am given with my children, my husband? Am I experiencing Christ the way He desires me too, am I living my life for Him and His glory? I have realized how much I have taken my life on this earth for granted, I have gotten so caught up in the busyness of life to fully take in what God has blessed me with daily. Like just how miraculous my girls are, and how God took a little part of me and of John and created these two beautiful girls. When I really stop and think about it I am awe struck. And just how amazing a sunrise and sunset is. I was watering my lemon tree today that is covered in blossoms and tiny green lemons that will, in a very short time, grow into big, yellow lemons. What an awesome creator we serve. So I have decided to not let myself get wrapped up in the stresses of every day life and enjoy each moment the Lord has given me and render control fully over to Him and enjoy being His passenger. I want nothing more than what the Lord wants for me. I serve an awesome God who is perfect in all He does, who knows what is best for me and all of us, even though we may not understand. Please, if you feel lead, keep baby Stellan in your prayers and check out their blog, reading this has been an inspiration and my heart goes out to their family.
Here are a few pictures of the girls. I am truly blessed by them and cherish these wonderful memories we are creating.
Annabelle singing "Let it Rise" (her favorite song) to Krisalynn

My little one

Peeling the paint off the post, no matter how many times she is told not to, she just can't resist.

Sweet Kisses

Monday, March 23, 2009

Instead of Not Me Monday...

Please if you feel led, pray for the lady who started Not Me Monday and her family. Her little baby is in the hospital with a very fast heart rate, visit for more info. Having little ones my heart aches for her, I can't imagine having to go through something like this. But we serve an awesome God who can do anything and He is a God of comfort. Please pray for Stellan that his heartrate would go back to normal, pray for peace and comfort for his parents and pray for the doctors as they try to figure out what is wrong and how to fix it.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Krisalynn Talking

Krisalynn has recently discovered her voice, she has been filling our home with lots of happy noise. (before you push play scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the pause button on the music playlist)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Me Monday

So I decided to join in on the Not Me Monday fun, for more funny posts go to

So no matter what anyone says none of this happened this week, no not me and no not my two little angels!

No I did not go to The Wild Animal park with my family and put off cleaning the house AGAIN,

and no I did not forget to turn off the blue setting on my camera until at least half way through the day, no not me, not this mommy with the memory of an elephant.

No I did NOT go into the bird exhibit and no I was not terrified and on edge the whole time, no not me, I love birds flying around my head!

No I was not totally disgusted by these narly looking fish and no I did not take like 10 pictures of them.

No I did not buy a monkey leash for Annabelle and no she did not LOVE it, and no some lady did not make a rude comment about it and no I did not go on defense mode and No I did not feel way better after seeing another child with the exact same monkey on his back, no not this momma of 2 small kids.

No Annabelle did not put 15 dvds in our 5 disc dvd player while I was in the shower and no she did not turn on the radio very loud while she was being naughty, no Annabelle did not dump a bowl of water down my back while I was giving Krisalynn a bath, no not Annabelle.

And no Krisalynn did not discover her voice this week and no she has not been talking and singing very loudly, no not my little baby. And no I did not forget to change Krisalynn's diaper before bed the other night and no she did not leak and soak all the way through her jammies an blanket, not me.

No Annabelle did not find a red pen and color all over her hands,

and no she did not run around the house like this saying "I'm super lady Annabelle"

and no Annabelle did not put this on her head and say "I go ride my mocycle now" no not my imaginative 2 year old.

No all of this did not happen over the last seven days, no not in our uneventful house.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Smiles, Frowns and Sneezes

Ok, so I finally got our family blog set up. This one will be a little different, I'll post pictures, family updates, occasionally my thoughts, prayer requests and praise reports, and all kinds of stuff to keep you updated and involved in our family. Well, at least that's my goal, I'm still learning how to balance my time with 2 kiddos. And please feel free to leave comments (just click on comments at the bottom of the post), I changed the setting so anyone can leave one.I titled this post Smiles, Frowns and Sneezes, well because that's what all the pictures are of.
Just last week I finally got pictures of Krisalynn smiling, and it is a beautiful smile I must admit.

A big sneeze! (which startled Krisalynn) followed by "bless me Mommy" which is what I say when I sneeze, minus the mommy.

Fake crying

Funny Face

Cheesy Smile

Big cheesy 2 year old smile
As cute as the frowns are I am so glad our home is filled with far more smiles and laughter and even sneezes for that matter!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Blog

Ok, so I decided to start a new blog. Since our family has grown from one kiddo to two I thought it more appropriate to do a family blog now. So put this one in your favorites as well, I haven't decided yet if I am going to keep the blog I started for Annabelle a couple years ago, I'll probably fade it out. So bare with me as I slowly create this blog as my spare time has dramatically decreased over the last couple months.